Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Setting up the system

Setting the system is has been a challenge, there's a number of mistakes. No matter how we've read or watched on youtube there is always something we miss we missed. That's ok we learn from mistakes.
Anyhow we continued to put the system together. In October we move the fish tank from the garage and into a small shed, and added a second tank. Then we set up the media barrels in the greenhouse and  added the pumping.
Tank shed.

You can't see it, but on the roof is a solar panel running the aerators, and heaters, but the water pump.
One of the things we've learned is that with the solar panels it was costing 40-60 bucks a month to run  the heaters, pump, and aerators, so we switched to solar. The fish in the tanks are Tilapia and require a warmer warmer water temperature. Will be soon switching over to Koi as the need to kept as warm and  we can sell them at a much higher profit.

Media barrel rack made from discarded extended pallet. The sump tank is at the far corner.

One of the immediate lessons learned was to test your barrels for leaks prior to adding media, save you a lot of time. In the case of this barrel there was pinhole in the center of the bug hole cap, easy fix with some silicone. On another barrel the bug cap was completely unsealable and ended sealing with liquid nail chalking.

Due to the sump tank being at end of the barrel table instead of directly under it, a lot of pvc was used to direct the water from the bell siphons to the sump tank.

Grow bed water emptying out into sump tank.

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